51.   He also says a number of suspected hijackers were trained as pilots in the United States.

52.   His trip is one of four known overseas visits by suspected hijackers in the months before the attacks.

53.   In Hamburg, Germany, the University of Applied Sciences said Monday that a suspected hijacker, Ziad Jarrah, studied aircraft engineering there.

54.   Interpol is looking for suspected hijackers.

55.   Like Alhamzi, a suspected hijacker called Ziad Jarrahi seemed congenial.

56.   Now, all but the four suspected hijackers and one other person have been declared dead.

57.   Sketches of suspected hijackers.

58.   Suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta may have traveled to the Czech Republic several times under a different name, police said Friday.

59.   Stevens lived about a mile from an air strip where flight school owner Marian Smith said suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta had rented planes.

60.   The passengers and crew were released unharmed after the plane landed at Stansted airport northeast of London, and the suspected hijackers surrendered.

a. + hijacker >>共 102
the 23.59%
suspected 16.88%
chinese 4.98%
alleged 3.90%
would-be 3.03%
palestinian 2.81%
lone 2.60%
armed 2.60%
terrorist 2.16%
two 1.52%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
hijacker 0.84%
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