51.   Sears says he was taken by surprise by the popularity of the books.

52.   Some of the subjects are taken by surprise by the filmmaker, and often the paranoia left over from the communist era is evident.

53.   Taken by surprise, Dehaene called the closing unacceptable and said on French television that he would insist on an alternative.

54.   Taken by surprise, she felt overwhelmed and angry, as if her thoughts and feelings had no place in her treatment.

55.   Still, employees said they were taken by surprise.

56.   That has allowed opponents, who say they were taken by surprise last time, to focus all of their guns on the repeal.

57.   That surprise took place on the train ride, when Emily bit into a chocolate bar, and out came her last front baby tooth.

58.   The defense lawyers were taken by surprise by that testimony and spent much of the day trying to repair the damage.

59.   The Clinton administration initially opposed it, and the Colombian government was taken by surprise.

60.   The IFC was not the only investor taken by surprise.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
surprise 0.18%
surprise + v. >>共 116
be 60.90%
take 9.38%
catch 9.01%
come 4.94%
await 1.67%
lie 0.51%
abound 0.44%
lurk 0.36%
begin 0.36%
emerge 0.36%
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