51.   But for many women, especially those who have had successful careers, staying home can be more stressful than any job assignment.

52.   But he needs to learn that a successful acting career is as much about making good choices in projects as it is about anything else.

53.   But McCanlies, who found a successful career as a screenwriter, soon yearned for home and returned to Texas.

54.   But the Rocket Man has done far more than launch a successful new career.

55.   But the former environmental lawyer from Washington, D.C., never expected to develop a successful career as a bead stringer.

56.   But this is Hollywood, where a successful acting career launched onetime actor Ronald Reagan into politics.

57.   But what is unusual is that the words are by an American who has made a successful career in the English subsidized theater by contrasting different cultures.

58.   But, if they seek successful careers, they had better learn to respect the rules of the profession.

59.   But two years later, Adams began a successful career as a Massachusetts congressman.

60.   By surrounding Freddie Prinze Jr. with young players more talented than him, filmmakers continue to build a successful career for this bland, charismatically challenged actor.

a. + career >>共 592
political 8.68%
new 3.49%
long 3.44%
entire 3.41%
professional 3.12%
high 2.90%
successful 2.43%
acting 2.38%
playing 1.78%
second 1.76%
successful + n. >>共 1942
career 2.74%
business 1.85%
campaign 1.70%
surgery 1.48%
businessman 1.47%
season 1.36%
company 1.33%
effort 1.26%
program 1.16%
candidate 1.07%
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