51.   The programs hold a common belief that all students can perform at high levels if they are taught well by teachers who expect them to succeed.

52.   The Senate bill calls for the NAEP while the House version allows an alternative test to measure how students are performing from state to state.

53.   The standards, approved by the Board of Education last winter, inform teachers how students should be performing at every grade level.

54.   The state will evaluate how well special education students perform on the regents exams and decide whether to continue offering them a regular diploma.

55.   The students will be performing at Lakers and Clippers basketball games and Dodgers baseball games.

56.   The Texas Assessment of Academic Skills lies at the heart of the accountability system that rates campuses according to how well their students perform on the test.

57.   The solution he came up with was to require the students to perform community service, which his students do.

58.   Their students perform much better than other children from similar backgrounds, and educators say their achievement is evidence that the school is responsible.

59.   There, students performed tasks that included digging ditches, greasing trucks and driving tractors.

60.   These students have performed together many times before, and get an infectious enjoyment out of one another.

n. + perform >>共 922
doctor 5.46%
group 2.76%
company 2.65%
student 2.30%
team 2.30%
stock 2.24%
band 2.19%
player 1.81%
economy 1.81%
fund 1.61%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
perform 0.44%
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