51.   During that dark hour, amid concerns about auto safety and street crime, the Big Three US automakers actually stopped making the toys of summer.

52.   Drowning under a sea of tacky retail shops, degenerating office buildings and street crime, Hollywood Boulevard had lost its glitter and become a civic albatross.

53.   Drug addiction drives everything from street crime to child abuse to AIDS, which spreads when desperate addicts either share needles or infect unwitting lovers and spouses.

54.   Farmer has spent nearly half of his life of gang membership and street crime in and out of prison.

55.   Everyone warned me to beware of street crime in Moscow.

56.   For years state courts have been televising the worst gut-wrenching street crimes and the republic still survives.

57.   Graft permeates the country, from street crime to mafia hits to illegal book deals in Kremlin corridors to rigged bids for stakes of privatized companies.

58.   He also said that street crime was a constant no matter what kind of toilet the city provided.

59.   Gun makers prey on paranoia over street crime, which has declined.

60.   He gave police officials six months to achieve a steep reduction in violent street crimes and two years to make heavy inroads into the problem of crime in general.

a. + crime >>共 993
violent 14.30%
serious 5.74%
juvenile 3.08%
alleged 2.89%
rising 2.83%
organised 2.58%
street 2.35%
federal 2.31%
political 2.02%
high 1.94%
street + n. >>共 779
protest 10.69%
corner 9.57%
vendor 4.93%
clothes 3.15%
demonstration 2.96%
child 2.75%
crime 2.68%
battle 2.58%
violence 2.55%
light 2.28%
每页显示:    共 220