51.   More immediately, the changing demographics suggest that states may need new strategies as they serve those left behind, like recipients who do not speak English.

52.   Ms. Burstein does believe, as does this newspaper, that the state needs legislation protecting homosexuals from unfair discrimination and anti-gay violence.

53.   New Hampshire has relatively few minorities, and Merrill said the state does not need Justice approval to change the primary date.

54.   Nonetheless, DEP officials say they will stick to their system of pumping up recycling, while limiting new waste disposal to what the state needs.

55.   No civilized state should need one.

56.   Opponents of the bill say the state needs to increase rather than decrease anti-pollution efforts.

57.   Over the long term, the state will need greater investment in energy efficiency and on-site power generation from photovoltaic cells and other sources.

58.   Our states need to be focusing on educational improvement, health care.

59.   Republican congressional leaders and governors insist states need such total freedom, in the form of federal block grants, to bring Medicaid under control.

60.   Reformers say the state needs the deposits, in part, to pay victims such as Tong.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
state 0.67%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
need 0.78%
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