51.   The state may not impose mandatory spending limits on candidates, he ruled, nor may it limit contributions from political parties and from out-of-staters.

52.   The theory the Court endorsed also authorizes states to impose sales taxes on rail and airline tickets.

53.   The state imposed the restrictions to preserve a public appearance of judicial impartiality during the campaign.

54.   The Supreme Court today ruled that states may not impose their own special restrictions on contracts that require arbitration between the parties.

55.   The vote was rejected by Britain, which said one state could not impose constitutional obligations on another.

56.   They said not a word about letting states impose limits that even Congress could not impose.

57.   They said that until now, no state had imposed controls on such fine particles.

58.   Throughout his administration, he has signed waivers allowing states to impose welfare-to-work programs.

59.   To make his point, New York state has imposed a virtual blockade on gas shipments to the reservations.

60.   To be sure, virtually every state imposed limits and penalties that would have been unthinkable in the past.

n. + impose >>共 481
government 14.81%
authority 4.41%
state 3.48%
court 3.10%
law 3.03%
judge 2.93%
country 2.69%
army 2.62%
police 2.31%
sanction 2.13%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
impose 0.51%
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