51.   Last fall the state department announced that it had notified the justice department of complaints that Wood solicited campaign contributions from Taiwan business executives.

52.   Last year, the Legislature and Davis approved a new state department to monitor and research privacy issues.

53.   Like the Philippine government, the U.S. will not honor ransom requests, state department spokeswoman Jo-Anne Prokopowicz said.

54.   Meanwhile she lodged a complaint with the state insurance department.

55.   Murphy, the former state department official, says U.S. officials seem in no hurry to resolve Iraq, satisfied that Saddam is crippled.

56.   Moving into public service with characteristic enthusiasm and energy, as a state department official Rockefeller made himself the leading Latin America policymaker in the Roosevelt administration.

57.   No decision had yet been made on whether state department representatives will accompany Rumsfeld, the official said.

58.   Nursing home complaints have grown so fast, in fact, that the state department that reviews problems is having a hard time keeping up.

59.   Officials at the American Interests Section in Havana declined to discuss how the immigration accord is carried out, referring all questions to the state department in Washington.

60.   One state department official said on Tuesday that the United States was certain to revoke more visas of Colombians whom U.S. officials consider linked to drug dealers.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
department 0.34%
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