51.   The complexity of creating a neighborhood of tiny transistors atop a postage-stamp-sized silicon wafer is immense, as is the price.

52.   The company sells silicon wafers and other materials used in manufacturing semiconductors.

53.   The company uses modular design techniques, applying its proprietary components onto silicon wafers supplied by overseas manufacturers, according to the filing.

54.   The circuits are created by superheated gases called plasmas that either etch or deposit material on the silicon wafers.

55.   The downside is that strained silicon wafers cost a lot.

56.   The device focuses the reflected radiation onto small silicon wafers, converting it into images that appear on a laptop computer.

57.   The industry in the next few years will shift to a larger silicon wafer, allowing more chips to be made at one time and thereby lowering costs.

58.   The IBM process uses a machine called an ion implanter to push oxygen molecules at great speeds so they come to rest beneath the surface of a silicon wafer.

59.   The MRC division specializes in technology used to build layers of film on silicon wafers to create a hard and stable surface.

60.   The Milpitas, California-based company makes processing equipment that flattens silicon wafers for use in computer chips and electronic components.

n. + wafer >>共 25
silicon 61.29%
semiconductor 10.97%
communion 6.45%
eight-inch 2.58%
computer 1.94%
sugar 1.94%
flour 1.29%
oxide 1.29%
rice 1.29%
sample 1.29%
silicon + n. >>共 126
chip 27.56%
wafer 23.17%
implant 1.95%
device 1.71%
maker 1.46%
base 1.22%
brain 1.22%
technology 1.22%
transistor 1.22%
germanium 0.98%
每页显示:    共 94