51.   Varchaver said he could find no evidence that the dating show ever aired.

52.   We can get deeper into the story and use that extra footage online, as the show airs on television.

53.   With the Celera announcement expected any day, the show airs at a timely juncture.

54.   After the television show aired, the uniform was turned in to police by a Long Island resident, then returned to the man when no one claimed it.

55.   Duchovny, whose show also airs on Fox, is angry that shows appealing to greed draw such large audiences.

56.   He had said his office was ready to work on the Calabro case as soon as the show aired.

57.   News shows were still airing footage Monday of red-faced party members shouting each other in Nashville while police officers separated them.

58.   On Monday, CBS reassured fans that the inspirational show would air.

59.   On Wednesday, news shows aired what they said was a taped conversation between Asik and godfather Alaattin Cakici.

60.   That show aired Wednesday night and like his brothers, Mike Barbour did not make it to the hot seat either.

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