51.   Russian planes have shelled rebel positions in the southern mountains, while Chechen fighters have attacked Russian soldiers in cities and towns, killing dozens in recent weeks.

52.   Russian troops have been shelling the positions of hundreds of militant gunmen in the Caucasus mountain region of Dagestan, adjacent to Chechnya, since Saturday.

53.   Russian artillery shelled Chechen positions several miles north of Grozny, but there was no evidence of Russian claims that they had encircled the city.

54.   Russian artillery shelled rebel positions in four districts in Chechnya, suffering new losses Friday as the conflict in the breakaway republic as the war enters its eighth year.

55.   Russian forces shelled rebel positions Wednesday southeast of Grozny as fighting intensified after a lull during the Victory Day holiday.

56.   Russian planes have shelled rebel positions in the southern mountains in recent weeks, while Chechen fighters have attacked Russian troops in cities and towns, killing dozens.

57.   Russian forces also shelled rebel positions east, west and south of the Chechen capital Grozny, the Interfax news agency reported.

58.   Russian forces shelled rebel positions and launched helicopter attacks today southeast of Grozny as a lull during the Victory Day holiday was shattered by intensified fighting.

59.   Russian forces shelled rebel positions and launched helicopter attacks Wednesday southeast of Grozny as a lull during the Victory Day holiday was shattered by intensified fighting.

60.   Shea said Yugoslav forces on Tuesday were shelling positions of the Kosovo Liberation Army west of Pec, in northwestern Kosovo.

v. + position >>共 549
take 14.42%
hold 5.60%
change 3.12%
strengthen 2.07%
attack 1.87%
fill 1.83%
play 1.81%
use 1.69%
have 1.51%
consolidate 1.27%
shell 0.92%
shell + n. >>共 170
village 16.12%
position 11.15%
area 10.22%
town 8.90%
city 3.47%
civilian 2.44%
target 2.25%
camp 2.06%
capital 1.97%
pea 1.41%
每页显示:    共 118