51.   The strategist then recalled the way Bush sought to sell himself during the presidential campaign.

52.   There has been an effort to upgrade the fine arts and crafts that will be sold during the festival.

53.   Then there are several prime rental titles that have undergone quick price reductions in time to sell during the holidays.

54.   To get the higher exemption, the house must be sold during a year when the taxpayer can file a joint return with a spouse.

55.   Typically, firms store a certain amount of gas to sell during the cold months of winter, when demand for heating is strong.

56.   Typically, prices fall during the summer, so utilities buy and stockpile some of the fuel they plan to sell during the winter.

57.   Webs and CountryBaskets allow investors to buy and sell during the day, sell short, and even trade on margin.

58.   Witness the number of cans of commercial gravy sold during the holidays because cooks simply give up on making their own.

59.   Almost all state enterprises are scheduled to be sold during the next few years.

60.   Fahey said Bombardier did not set any target with regards to the number of business jets it wants to sell during the six-day Lima show.

v. + during >>共 1155
come 2.75%
kill 2.65%
say 1.96%
occur 1.85%
make 1.77%
die 1.73%
be 1.37%
do 1.33%
injure 1.32%
use 1.12%
sell 0.22%
sell + p. >>共 97
in 41.24%
as 7.38%
off 6.73%
by 4.86%
through 4.36%
for 3.91%
under 3.87%
at 3.55%
of 3.19%
with 2.14%
during 0.89%
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