51.   The search committee is to present Sexton to some students, professors and administrators Tuesday to seek their opinions.

52.   The X-ray showed no evidence of a fracture at the tender spot at the base of his thumb, but Tucker said he might seek another opinion.

53.   Then she did seek another opinion, an opinion she paid for herself because she wrongfully concluded that the HMO had taken her as far as it would go.

54.   To that end, Gossage and his staff sought the opinion of national motorsports figures via a questionnaire mailed out last summer.

55.   Under a Jalisco state penal code, a third opinion must be sought when there are two varying accounts.

56.   When in vitro fertilization was first being performed in Massachusetts, she said, fertility specialists found themselves seeking opinions from district attorneys on the legality of their work.

57.   When the appeal, filed on behalf of Michael Domingues, reached the court last spring, the justices sought an opinion from the administration.

58.   Whose mind carries the same hard edge that made him a man whose opinions were sought, even without a college education.

59.   Which is why his opinions are sought -- well, in addition to the fact that he will answer nearly any question, and make nearly any observation.

60.   Young sought the opinions of several doctors, underwent testing and was told that he was completely healed.

v. + opinion >>共 416
have 13.33%
express 8.53%
offer 5.37%
voice 4.14%
give 3.71%
divide 2.99%
share 2.99%
seek 2.64%
issue 2.16%
write 2.07%
seek + n. >>共 791
comment 6.91%
help 3.98%
refuge 2.48%
approval 2.06%
asylum 2.05%
support 1.99%
way 1.81%
re-election 1.81%
damage 1.72%
advice 1.69%
opinion 0.26%
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