51.   Amnesty International, which for years has campaigned to secure the release of the thousands of political prisoners held in Syria, urged Damascus to free all detainees.

52.   Angered by their ordeal, the Britons claimed the government had not done enough to secure their release.

53.   Angered by their ordeal, the Britons claimed their government had not done enough to secure their release.

54.   Another group of tribal representatives tried but failed to secure their release.

55.   Attempts to secure the release of the four German tourists have failed so far.

56.   Balar said his office is trying to secure the release of Iranian prisoners not registered with the Red Cross.

57.   Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans has appealed for early deportation, and his Hong Kong lawyers have delayed filing an appeal in hopes that politicians could secure his release.

58.   Authorities have intensified efforts to secure the release of three Britons and a Ukrainian taken hostage by Yemeni tribesmen, a security official said Friday.

59.   Beglitis said if the release was secured, the three Americans would be handed over in Cyprus to the U.S. ambassador there.

60.   Berezovsky said the release was secured by the Federal Security Service, Defense Ministry and Interior Ministry.

v. + release >>共 380
demand 14.17%
follow 6.35%
secure 5.91%
negotiate 4.55%
win 4.26%
await 4.26%
seek 4.11%
order 3.82%
delay 3.14%
block 2.26%
secure + n. >>共 1042
release 5.53%
place 2.81%
support 2.38%
loan 2.36%
peace 2.05%
victory 2.01%
area 1.95%
agreement 1.79%
approval 1.66%
right 1.52%
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