51.   A season could end like this, but not a hitch with the Yankees.

52.   A season that began with contract negotiations is ending with thoughts of a four-week stint in the military for Chan Ho Park when the season ends.

53.   A twisting, topsy-turvy, unpredictable college football season ended in an emphatic, no-questions manner.

54.   A visit to the doctor could wait until the season ended.

55.   A winning season could well end in a trip to the Copper Bowl or some other welcome locale.

56.   After the holiday season ends, Hamleys will decide whether to add more House of Toys concessions at House of Fraser Plc department stores.

57.   After the minor league season ends this week, Maeda will report to a monthlong camp in Tampa.

58.   After the season ends, Johnson will take a few days to go fishing before returning to Los Angeles.

59.   After the Stratford season ends in October, the first of the history plays will move to London.

60.   After his football season ends, Dwight will return to Iowa to compete in track, which NCAA rules allow because he is considered a professional only in football.

n. + end >>共 1100
season 3.47%
war 2.70%
game 2.28%
stock 1.77%
talk 1.69%
price 1.60%
meeting 1.56%
trial 1.20%
term 1.14%
strike 1.08%
season + v. >>共 478
be 32.66%
begin 11.93%
end 8.44%
start 5.77%
go 2.50%
open 2.19%
come 2.15%
have 1.85%
get 1.25%
run 1.15%
每页显示:    共 571