51.   Larger objects, such as rock formations, pose a greater danger to the vessels because of their potential to punch through both hulls.

52.   Like humans in a make-believe sneak attack armed with paint guns, they hide behind rock formations or other obstructions while they seek to ambush their opponents.

53.   Los Cabos is ringed with beaches, generally with crashing waves and dramatic rock formations.

54.   Magnificent red rock formations on one side and the rushing creek on the other, we felt as though we were far away from any town.

55.   Minor problems are encountered traversing boulders as high as a house, but suddenly there is a rock formation that blocks the entire stream.

56.   Naturally, there are thick stands of vegetation and occasional rock formations.

57.   Natural undulations, rock formations and other irregular features are maintained.

58.   Notice the pink rock formations?

59.   One of the sites to see on a clear day is the Three Sisters rock formation.

60.   Or cross to the other side of the lake via the Bow Bridge and scamper across the giant rock formation to the east.

n. + formation >>共 255
rock 17.32%
shotgun 6.98%
capital 5.23%
cloud 3.62%
gall 1.74%
limestone 1.48%
bone 1.48%
plaque 1.34%
memory 1.34%
galaxy 1.21%
rock + n. >>共 660
star 12.86%
band 12.47%
music 7.54%
concert 6.43%
group 4.40%
formation 2.98%
musician 2.06%
singer 1.78%
fan 1.36%
wall 1.25%
每页显示:    共 128