51.   Some residents blamed Uzbeks who opposed an alliance with the Taliban, but residents of the neighborhood also may have been involved.

52.   Some residents have blamed the coal and timber industries for the severity of recent floods and mudslides, a contention both industries deny.

53.   Some residents blame the U.S. fruit company Dole, which owns much of the town and employs many of the residents, for not helping them.

54.   Some residents blame jet fuel dumped by military aircraft at the nearby Naval Air Station.

55.   Some residents blamed the misfortune on evil spells, and Mukala, a well-known traditional healer and witch hunter, was summoned to find the perpetrators.

56.   The bases take up about one-fifth of Okinawa, and residents blame them for crime, noise and inconvenience.

57.   The project was also blamed by residents for disrupting water supply to their homes for nine months.

58.   The residents blame the local governor, a supporter of Milosevic, for the mass draft.

59.   Although many residents blamed Pemex after the blast, authorities ruled out that possibility, instead blaming several companies and municipal officials.

60.   At the same time, many residents blamed the state-run Grain Marketing Board for failing to keep enough maize meal on the store shelves.

n. + blame >>共 711
official 12.10%
government 7.27%
police 7.22%
company 6.04%
authority 5.48%
side 3.72%
group 2.21%
analyst 1.96%
leader 1.89%
report 1.86%
resident 1.08%
resident + v. >>共 692
say 18.21%
be 8.88%
have 3.04%
complain 1.94%
flee 1.76%
take 1.41%
report 1.36%
tell 1.05%
begin 1.04%
fear 0.86%
blame 0.49%
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