51.   The regulations do allow birds and fish, and Mrs. Vecchione recently acquired a parakeet, Whitey.

52.   The vast majority of pawnshops are clustered in the South, mostly because state regulations allow them to charge more favorable interest rates.

53.   U.K. unit trusts have been slow to utilize futures and options to reduce risk, even though regulations allow their use.

54.   United said at the time that it believed a safety board regulation allowed it to withhold some names, but the board said it had no such regulation.

55.   Venezuela banking regulations currently allow for only bolivar-denominated savings accounts.

56.   WTO regulations already allow nations to seize patents in times of crisis, officials in Washington say.

57.   Although Ruby has won just seven of the nine races disputed so far this season, snowboard regulations allow athletes to drop their two worst results.

58.   As the Italian communications is deregulated, Infostrada will widen the services it can offer as regulations allow, the company said.

59.   At present, the regulations allow for contravention licences to be issued for agricultural practices.

60.   At the moment, Malaysian regulations do not allow irradiation of food for local consumption, except for research purposes.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
government 4.18%
bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
regulation 0.58%
regulation + v. >>共 345
be 20.95%
require 9.23%
allow 4.19%
prohibit 3.55%
apply 2.66%
make 1.65%
take 1.53%
go 1.45%
prevent 1.45%
forbid 1.33%
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