51.   He may be required to report to a particular individual or place at regular intervals as part of a monitoring process.

52.   This tends to lead to extremely lengthy and detailed questionnaires being sent by the offeror to the target company and at regular intervals to learn any relevant information.

53.   Faecal samples from groups of horses should be examined at regular intervals to monitor drug efficiency.

54.   The controls on the Amie are simple, large and easy to turn with programmes marked at regular intervals.

55.   Training is available at regular intervals throughout the province.

56.   The account was then allowed to lie dormant while Yousefi collected the cheque books sent out at regular intervals.

57.   However, the organizational advantages of being able to sample at a regular interval are so considerable that such anxieties are often set aside.

58.   I have windows broken at regular intervals and suffer a lot of abuse and foul language when I ask them to move.

59.   And both keep introducing new amplifiers, which boost the signals at regular intervals along the way.

60.   As the town sheriff, Ned Beatty is slyly amusing in his apologetic manner to Willis, whose innocence he proclaims at regular intervals.

a. + interval >>共 128
regular 34.45%
frequent 5.12%
brief 4.59%
short 3.89%
irregular 3.71%
long 3.18%
decent 3.18%
longer 1.77%
weekly 1.77%
sunny 1.77%
regular + n. >>共 1096
season 18.81%
basis 3.88%
meeting 2.76%
interval 1.21%
contact 1.11%
exercise 1.08%
customer 1.03%
flight 0.96%
session 0.90%
visit 0.86%
每页显示:    共 194