51.   Two members of the German parliament who wanted to visit Moscow on a fact-finding mission about events in Chechnya have been refused visas, they said Sunday.

52.   Washington maintains it has never refused a visa to a visiting head of state wishing to attend the United Nations.

53.   Two other Chart Thai politicians were refused US visas last year on suspicion of involvement in drug trafficking, the US embassy said.

54.   Nigeria refused visas for two Canadian security officials travelling with the delegation.

55.   She was also among a group of legislators who were refused a visa to go to Beijing to hand in a petition to Chinese leaders.

56.   Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams Thursday applied to the Australian Federal Court here for a review of the government decision to refuse a visa to enter Australia.

57.   Sweden refused the visa in the wake of an affair involving double agent, Stig Bergling.

58.   Some women, especially those representing Tibetan groups that China considers hostile, have been refused visas outright, the daily said.

59.   The authorities in the last two weeks have refused visas to Algerians and Libyans while subjecting Egyptians to extra screening, they dded.

60.   The former ruler of the Central African Republic, Jean-Bedel Bokassa said Saturday he had been refused a visa to enter France for treatment for a cataract.

v. + visa >>共 159
issue 11.86%
grant 10.00%
obtain 9.14%
deny 8.27%
get 6.91%
overstay 6.73%
have 3.41%
revoke 3.09%
receive 2.82%
refuse 2.73%
refuse + n. >>共 591
comment 17.10%
request 9.74%
offer 5.86%
entry 4.88%
permission 3.75%
demand 3.08%
order 2.50%
treatment 2.37%
access 2.15%
food 1.71%
visa 1.30%
每页显示:    共 60