51.   But Van Miert warned though that any reform would have to respect the Bosman ruling.

52.   Economic reforms have to be initiated immediately and should have the aim of making the Indonesian economy lean and efficient.

53.   Free market reforms have yet to seriously affect Indian banks, where customer service is notoriously poor.

54.   His critics say that the ruling Congress Party is losing popularity because the reforms have led to higher food prices and that opposition parties are benefiting from the situation.

55.   Limited free-market reforms have improved life for many on this Communist island since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

56.   Mr Tsang, a legislator-elect, stressed that any successful political reform must have public support.

57.   On stability in the region, Fischer said economic reforms had to be carried out first before any result could be seen.

58.   The Indonesian government is frustrated that IMF reforms have failed to push up the value of the rupiah and fearful that austerity measures will unleash more unrest.

59.   The Indonesian government is frustrated that reforms have failed to push up the value of the rupiah and fearful that austerity measures will unleash more unrest.

60.   The proposed reforms have to be approved by EU countries.

n. + have >>共 1318
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reform + v. >>共 439
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