51.   There have been reports the government is reconsidering its plan to spruce up Athens with more plants because of the high cost.

52.   The U.S. State Department has asked the Postal Service to reconsider the plan.

53.   They subsided Thursday as the government indicated it was reconsidering the plans.

54.   Tini said that if PLN repeatedly offered similar poor service, they would have to reconsider its plan to raise electricity prices.

55.   Trade unions said they would resist the cuts and would appeal to government leaders to reconsider the plans.

56.   U.N. refugee officials are reconsidering plans to take a census at five Rwandan refugee camps in northeastern Zaire after the refugees refused to cooperate.

57.   In Tokyo, Japanese television quoted a senior foreign ministry official as saying Japan may reconsider its plans to resume lending to Burma in light of the detentions.

58.   Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans said Wednesday the government would reconsider plans to withdraw troops from Rwanda following a plea by UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

59.   Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has again urged the Japanese government to reconsider its plans to resume aid loans to Burma, Kyodo News reported Monday.

60.   Canberra may order new measures following the failure of a delegation of Pacific nations to persuade France to reconsider its plans.

v. + plan >>共 563
have 17.42%
announce 10.06%
make 3.42%
approve 3.42%
discuss 2.84%
reject 1.79%
oppose 1.69%
cancel 1.65%
accept 1.43%
abandon 1.36%
reconsider 0.24%
reconsider + n. >>共 344
decision 21.04%
position 6.57%
plan 4.47%
policy 3.16%
case 2.50%
ruling 2.43%
issue 1.78%
ban 1.58%
opposition 1.51%
law 1.51%
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