51.   The taxi drivers said they wanted to give a committee appointed by Prime Minister P.J. Patterson time to consider alternative ways of raising government income.

52.   They will probably agree to encourage industrial growth in agricultural areas, which should create jobs and raise incomes for underemployed farmers, Patel said.

53.   To help relieve such concerns, the government has sought to raise the incomes of rural people, who make up three-quarters of the population.

54.   Vice Premier Zhu Rongji recently lambasted local governments for squandering funds meant to raise incomes in impoverished regions.

55.   In addition, there is a need to raise the incomes of retired officers and those of enlisted men, it said.

56.   They have responded with proposals to cut taxes for low income families and measures to propose part-time work to help raise household incomes.

57.   It aims to raise incomes from non-poppy agriculture, livestock and forestry and to develop off-farm employment skills, an official statement here said.

58.   Suharto said tax income would be raised through a broader tax base and improved collection.

v. + income >>共 358
supplement 7.12%
generate 6.14%
have 5.93%
earn 4.52%
boost 3.80%
increase 3.58%
provide 3.03%
raise 2.47%
receive 2.30%
reduce 2.22%
raise + n. >>共 391
money 11.41%
question 8.54%
concern 5.36%
price 4.42%
issue 4.42%
rate 4.28%
fund 2.88%
possibility 2.50%
tax 2.21%
fear 2.18%
income 0.14%
每页显示:    共 58