51.   No way that he could have opened the car door, pulled them and pulled them over a rail.

52.   Now, however, several dozen inspectors are roaming the roads, pulling over trucks at random to inspect licenses in a hit-or-miss effort.

53.   On Monday, New Jersey officials had announced the indictment of two state troopers on charges of trying to hide the fact that they were pulling over black motorists.

54.   One officer in Brooklyn said that when he pulled over a car, the driver asked if he was going to beat him now.

55.   Or use a zester, a special inexpensive gadget that is pulled over the surface to produce long shreds of zest.

56.   Owens held out hope that ballots from the Indian reservations and largely Democratic rural counties would be enough to pull him over the top.

57.   Other jackets were ingeniously cut, plunging in the front, fitting close to the body but pulled over the head without buttons.

58.   PHOENIX - Brent Wright sat on the floor Thursday night, his jersey pulled over his head.

59.   Police cannot randomly pull over motorists to examine whether they are transporting illegal drugs, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

60.   She tied a black one around his neck, showing him how to pull it over his mouth and ears.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
pull 0.40%
pull + p. >>共 73
with 11.35%
down 10.48%
after 7.53%
over 6.62%
at 6.47%
for 5.98%
within 5.83%
in 5.30%
because_of 4.24%
through 4.09%
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