51.   Opposition politicians criticized Zeroual for proposing no solution to the violence and for blaming the attacks on foreign powers trying to destabilize the country.

52.   The interim parliament, the National Resistance Council, has asked the government to propose a solution by Thursday.

53.   U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson said the conference had begun to produce tangible results, highlighting the plight of many groups and proposing concrete solutions.

54.   While the mediator can propose a solution to the conflict, the proposal is not binding and can be rejected by either side.

55.   The bipartisan commission was created by President Bill Clinton to study the long-term impact of budgetary problems created by automatic federal spending programs and to propose solutions.

56.   The committee, whose chairman has not yet been announced, is also expected to propose solutions to the growing problem.

57.   The co-hosting solution was proposed by the outgoing FIFA president Joao Havelange when it became clear that Japan could lose in a straight vote against South Korea.

v. + solution >>共 376
find 27.44%
seek 7.96%
offer 5.66%
have 5.63%
reach 3.30%
provide 3.14%
negotiate 2.72%
propose 1.84%
impose 1.52%
discuss 1.33%
propose + n. >>共 742
change 4.32%
legislation 3.69%
plan 2.90%
idea 2.57%
bill 2.05%
amendment 2.02%
cut 1.86%
measure 1.83%
talk 1.64%
rule 1.59%
solution 1.56%
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