51.   I think we project an image, like at our funerals, that turns people away.

52.   Images are projected on computer screens instead of photo paper.

53.   In addition to Internet access, videos placed throughout the house could project images from the interior onto the facade.

54.   In both pieces, visitors to an exhibition found their own image projected onto large screens as they were being taped by a camera.

55.   In her own way she, too, is projecting an image.

56.   Indians should be seizing this moment to project an image of sobriety and responsibility.

57.   Instead of projecting an image of engagement and can-do crisis management, it has come across as detached and distant.

58.   In this setup, three much smaller tubes project an image onto a mirror, which reflects the image onto a large screen.

59.   It was a far kinder, gentler image than that projected by the sternly judgmental Dole.

60.   It works by projecting small images of heat-generating objects in a display across the lower part of the windshield, in front of the driver.

v. + image >>共 982
create 2.75%
improve 2.68%
use 2.49%
project 2.41%
change 2.38%
tarnish 2.04%
capture 1.84%
have 1.76%
show 1.64%
produce 1.58%
project + n. >>共 433
image 15.18%
growth 2.82%
air 2.43%
sense 2.14%
power 1.65%
winner 1.65%
increase 1.36%
sale 1.36%
feeling 1.17%
aura 1.17%
每页显示:    共 155