51.   Several programs come with microphones, of varying quality, that can be easily plugged into the computer.

52.   She said that Iraq had temporarily halted production in the past when its food-for-oil program came up for renewal.

53.   Self-help programs come in all shapes and sizes.

54.   So what was the first thing I heard when my favorite radio program came alive on an otherwise glum morning?

55.   Software programs come with license agreements as a way to determine whether a copy is legal.

56.   Sometimes, a program will come along that makes even a jaded software reviewer sit up and take notice.

57.   Some programs came close to exceeding certain goals while other plans fell woefully short.

58.   Sowing the seeds of cynicism about government has created a climate where successful federal programs have come under unnecessary attack.

59.   Sugar Supports -- Now that federal crop supports are being phased out, the sugar support program will come under scrutiny.

60.   Surgical programs came in for a particular pasting, with more than half the pediatric surgery programs exceeding the maximum allowable hours on duty.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
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money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
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program 0.13%
program + v. >>共 667
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