51.   Real professional wrestling has become such a circus of outrageous stunts and soap opera mythology that this winds up less parody than pale imitation.

52.   Professional wrestling certainly would not qualify as family television.

53.   She also uses her computer to handle correspondence and follow professional wrestling.

54.   She is scheduled to talk about her dedication to fitness, her new book and professional wrestling.

55.   Students argue that there is a world of difference between the violence of blockbuster movies and the circus-like pantomime of professional wrestling.

56.   T.J. loved professional wrestling.

57.   Take the internationally loved sport of soccer, throw in the hard-hitting antics and personalities of professional wrestling and supercharge the action with fantastic special effects.

58.   That is just one of many career lessons available from the world of professional wrestling.

59.   Take away the sounds of professional wrestling and it would become mime theater.

60.   The barbarous, spandexed, testosterone-pickled theater of professional wrestling is invading the barbarous, spandexed, testosterone-pickled theater of professional football.

a. + wrestling >>共 58
professional 31.60%
pro 25.69%
greco-roman 10.42%
freestyle 5.21%
olympic 1.74%
amateur 1.39%
american 1.39%
televised 1.39%
watching 1.39%
active 0.69%
professional + n. >>共 916
sport 6.66%
football 3.89%
athlete 3.36%
baseball 2.44%
career 2.41%
basketball 2.17%
life 1.82%
team 1.45%
league 1.38%
help 1.27%
wrestling 0.68%
每页显示:    共 90