51.   The principal sources of heroin in the United States are Southeast Asia and Latin America.

52.   The thorny tops of the trees are the principal source of food for the camels, themselves the source of food and wealth for Somali nomads.

53.   This remains a principal source of concern for the Bosnian government, which wants to prevent the division of Bosnia.

54.   Under a reform program, land revenues are to become a principal source of funding for local governments.

55.   But many staff in French banks and post offices, principal sources of kits, intended to strike in support of demands for extra payments for handling the changeover.

56.   The principal source of funding for the OIC and the Islamic bank is host country Saudi Arabia.

57.   The system is the principal source of funding for the labour confederations.

58.   Moscow imposed a stiffer ecomonic blockade on Chechnya, depriving it of equipment necessary for petrol refining, its principal source of revenue.

59.   The deaths caused by the TWA crash has left some of the families without their principal source of income, he said.

60.   The deputy prime minister said that private investment flows were now the principal source of capital worldwide, and developing countries should focus their efforts towards winning over investors.

a. + source >>共 506
military 8.28%
diplomatic 6.34%
official 3.28%
palestinian 3.01%
informed 2.84%
major 2.75%
unidentified 2.45%
judicial 2.12%
main 2.11%
israeli 1.97%
principal 0.29%
principal + n. >>共 822
owner 3.75%
payment 2.00%
source 1.94%
reason 1.78%
character 1.50%
investigator 1.38%
guest 1.31%
cause 1.22%
dancer 1.22%
author 1.10%
每页显示:    共 62