51.   Lawyers for Massachusetts and the federal government say Congress did not intend to prevent states from regulating the location of ads.

52.   Likud would prevent Palestinian state.

53.   Lawyers for Massachusetts and the federal government argued Congress did not intend to prevent states from regulating the location of ads.

54.   Settlers continue West Bank building to prevent Palestinian state.

55.   The bill is designed to prevent states from taxing access to the Internet, such as requiring computer users to pay taxes on their America Online accounts.

56.   And it agreed an unprecedented although non-binding code of conduct aimed at preventing OIC states from financing or supporting Islamic militant groups.

57.   The NPT aims at preventing renegade states from getting a nuclear bomb or acquiring the technology to build one.

58.   Velayati urged Russia to use its influence to prevent non-signatory states from jeopardizing the security of other nations.

59.   It also agreed on an unprecedented although non-binding code of conduct aimed at preventing member states from financing or supporting Islamic militant groups, delegates said.

60.   Only the comprehensive ban would prevent nuclear states from launching a new generation of nuclear weapons, Holum said.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
prevent 0.92%
prevent + n. >>共 1204
attack 3.54%
violence 1.93%
spread 1.72%
people 1.65%
company 0.97%
infection 0.92%
recurrence 0.88%
problem 0.87%
cancer 0.87%
disease 0.85%
state 0.28%
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