51.   He memorized the positions of the walks before hefting the branch and starting down the slope.

52.   He was offered the position of headmaster when it fell vacant.

53.   Hence the position of those relying on pensions has deteriorated relative to those in employment with rising real incomes.

54.   Her death thrust Newman into the position of kingmaker.

55.   However, others are more sceptical of the significance of merely more women in positions of influence in the state.

56.   I am writing to apply for the position of technical assistant.

57.   I believe that the major discontinuity lies in the discursive forms through which positions of racial superiority are constructed.

58.   I changed the position of the mirror slightly.

59.   I Decided to apply for the position of head teacher.

60.   I have reflected on the position of elected councillors being allowed to become chairmen of college boards.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
position 0.13%
position + p. >>共 100
of 26.74%
on 18.26%
as 8.64%
at 6.73%
for 6.61%
with 5.55%
to 3.19%
by 2.27%
around 1.69%
after 1.59%
每页显示:    共 3518