51.   His popularity at home soared, while his status rose abroad, and he was able to carry out a significant rapprochment with Moscow.

52.   His popularity soared when he vowed to remain in the parliament building despite fears that special forces would try to storm it.

n. + soar >>共 473
price 17.31%
stock 9.92%
rate 3.24%
share 3.10%
cost 2.89%
sale 2.78%
tension 2.25%
unemployment 1.83%
popularity 1.83%
temperature 1.69%
popularity + v. >>共 186
be 14.94%
plummet 6.55%
soar 5.98%
grow 3.79%
wane 3.56%
fall 2.18%
sink 1.95%
make 1.95%
rise 1.95%
remain 1.84%
每页显示:    共 52