51.   Officials said efforts were under way to plug the gap.

52.   Tens of thousands of people were drafted into efforts to plug the gap with bags filled with coal, rice, soybeans or stones, the report said.

53.   The law was intended to plug the gap when the Britain-Thailand treaty no longer applied to Hong Kong, Mr Fung said.

54.   The solution is for private enterprises to plug the gap, he said.

55.   Increased productivity and close scrutiny of public spending would plug the gap, he said at a conference here.

56.   Austrian chances are hampered by the loss through injury of Mario Matt and Raich and Schonfelder must now plug the gap.

57.   The new EU members also indicated they were unwilling to plug the gaps created by these states scaling down their commitment pulling out.

58.   Olympique Marseille will plug the gap left by Basile Boli in defence with Belgian veteran Michel De Wolf.

59.   The new EU members are unwilling to plug the gaps created by these states pulling out.

v. + gap >>共 213
close 22.47%
fill 19.11%
bridge 14.66%
narrow 9.04%
widen 4.13%
have 2.40%
leave 2.26%
plug 2.08%
reduce 1.55%
find 1.45%
plug + n. >>共 209
hole 18.07%
gap 9.19%
leak 7.63%
loophole 4.21%
ear 2.02%
book 1.87%
well 1.71%
device 1.71%
line 1.40%
computer 1.40%
每页显示:    共 59