51.   Abortion rights activists, environmentalists and striking workers at a Santa Monica hotel also planned rallies Sunday.

52.   A protest rally was planned for Friday in the neighborhood, and peace activists said they would go to court.

53.   A rally is also planned in the capital, featuring leading artists, writers and musicians.

54.   Amid rising tensions, backers of Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic planned a rally Monday in the stronghold of his main rival.

55.   An opposition rally was planned for later Monday in the town of Valjevo.

56.   Another protest rally has been planned in front of the French parliament in Paris when the bill goes to vote on Tuesday.

57.   Another rally is planned for this January.

58.   Another opposition rally is planned for Saturday.

59.   Another rally was planned in the capital Saturday.

60.   Another protest rally has been planned in front of the French parliament in Paris when the bill goes to vote.

v. + rally >>共 387
hold 16.32%
attend 7.90%
stage 5.95%
plan 4.49%
organize 4.30%
lead 4.25%
address 3.67%
ban 2.70%
follow 2.26%
spark 2.20%
plan + n. >>共 714
attack 5.72%
trip 3.77%
meeting 3.69%
demonstration 2.23%
protest 2.18%
talk 1.74%
service 1.71%
rally 1.61%
action 1.48%
visit 1.39%
每页显示:    共 170