51.   He has repeatedly picked public fights with House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt and other leaders of the Democratic caucus.

52.   He has said he was defending himself from people who wanted to pick a fight with him.

53.   He has piped down over NATO enlargement and the ABM treaty in part because he sees little point in picking fights he cannot hope to win.

54.   He is the kind of bullying malcontent who, upon spying a couple necking in a parked car, rudely interrupts them and picks a fight.

55.   He overhears them trashing his performance in a bar after the show, picks a fight and claims to be gravely injured.

56.   He picked a fight with a nun.

57.   He keeps it hot because the gators like it hot and dark, stopping them from glowering at one another and picking fights.

58.   He picks his fights carefully.

59.   Helms picked another fight with the administration Tuesday.

60.   His merest word can still move markets, if not mountains, and lately he has even begun to pick some fights.

v. + fight >>共 490
stop 6.91%
win 5.75%
lead 5.59%
continue 4.48%
have 3.62%
pick 3.45%
lose 3.22%
join 3.07%
take 2.91%
start 2.19%
pick + n. >>共 1007
fight 3.94%
way 3.81%
winner 3.71%
spot 3.30%
stock 2.74%
team 2.33%
player 1.48%
one 1.43%
pocket 1.36%
candidate 1.33%
每页显示:    共 153