51.   Such a difference would mean that patients might live longer and maintain stronger immune systems, said Kuritzkes, who is an adviser to both Roche and Trimeris.

52.   That means opening clinics where patients live.

53.   The drug is available in some parts of England, but not necessarily where his patients live.

54.   The longer a patient lives with diabetes, which is sharply increasing in incidence, the greater the chances this complication will develop.

55.   The patient lives.

56.   The patterns of contamination and how it flowed through the aquifer will be compared with maps showing where breast cancer patients live, or lived.

57.   The pair demonstrated vast differences in medical practice based on where a patient lived.

58.   The patient should have lived in the role of their chosen sex for at least a year.

59.   The study was too short to determine whether the patients will live longer.

60.   The trial did not show that patients getting Avastin lived longer, something the study was not intended to prove.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
patient + v. >>共 801
be 14.13%
have 11.19%
die 3.74%
get 2.81%
receive 2.81%
take 2.68%
need 2.44%
suffer 2.09%
sue 1.71%
go 1.43%
live 1.04%
每页显示:    共 90