51.   European Union foreign ministers failed Monday to overcome differences on a plan to threaten sanctions against poor nations that fail to cooperate with an EU drive against illegal immigration.

52.   EU foreign ministers are meant to meet in Brussels Monday to try to overcome internal differences on whether to improve their existing offer to the United States.

53.   Faustino Asprilla is ready for his season debut with Parma, after recovering his form and overcoming differences with team officials.

54.   European Union foreign ministers failed Monday to overcome differences on a plan to threaten sanctions on poor nations that fail to cooperate with an EU drive against illegal immigration.

55.   Fearing EU expansion could run aground at the last minute, EU foreign ministers issued a plea to the fisheries ministers meeting simultaneously in Brussels to overcome their differences.

56.   Finally, late Thursday, the two associations managed to overcome their differences and merged at a meeting in Sarajevo.

57.   Foreign ministers of six Arab Gulf states met Wednesday in Kuwait in a bid to overcome differences over the possibility of a Western military strike against Iraq.

58.   Foreign Minister Javier Solana predicted Sunday after meeting with his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres that Israel and the European Union would overcome their differences and sign a trade agreement.

59.   Foreign ministers of six Arab Gulf states met in Kuwait Wednesday in a bid to overcome differences over the possibility of a Western military strike against Iraq.

60.   Gainey for the second straight day sounded optimistic saying that differences could be overcome and that Belfour could be back on the ice soon.

v. + difference >>共 574
make 29.32%
resolve 7.08%
settle 3.38%
have 3.31%
see 2.52%
notice 2.44%
know 2.43%
tell 1.92%
find 1.66%
narrow 1.62%
overcome 1.58%
overcome + n. >>共 857
problem 10.20%
obstacle 5.84%
difference 3.51%
fear 2.95%
difficulty 2.35%
resistance 2.22%
adversity 2.10%
hurdle 2.10%
opposition 1.96%
loss 1.71%
每页显示:    共 151