51.   Milosevic seemed ready to accept some election defeats and to make some other minor concessions after his courts overturned the opposition wins, sparking the protests.

52.   Officials in both municipalities confirmed the opposition wins.

53.   Polls suggest the opposition would win any early election.

54.   Recent opinion polls in Serbia have indicated that a united opposition would win the elections.

55.   Protests started when courts controled by Milosevic annuled local elections in Belgrade and other cities that the opposition won.

56.   Second in the U.S. poll was the tumultuous November elections won by opposition Republicans who will now control both houses of Congress.

57.   So far, the Moscow-backed opposition has won little support among the Chechen people.

58.   Solidarity has unsuccessfully fought for an equal representation in TV management for the government and opposition since it won parliamentary elections last fall.

59.   Some international observers expected the opposition would win a substantial number of seats, but the LCD appeared to be on track to sweep all the seats.

60.   That meant the opposition also won Belgrade, which has had communist mayors since World War II.

n. + win >>共 952
team 10.86%
party 4.18%
candidate 2.84%
company 2.16%
player 1.81%
government 1.46%
side 1.24%
opposition 1.24%
woman 1.22%
man 1.15%
opposition + v. >>共 689
be 13.66%
say 7.20%
accuse 4.00%
claim 2.69%
call 2.60%
have 2.53%
win 2.39%
want 2.32%
demand 2.20%
come 1.90%
每页显示:    共 136