51.   The CIA informed the White House and the State Department about the contributions shortly after they occurred around June, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

52.   The conversations in New York on Tuesday echoed those that have occurred around the country.

53.   The call occurred around the time Ms. Lewinsky was emerging as a possible witness in the Jones case.

54.   The crash occurred around midnight local time and Diana died around four hours later, said the French Government.

55.   The incident occurred around midnight while the victim and her family slept in their two-story home near Central Elementary School.

56.   The giveaways usually occur around lunchtime.

57.   The peso crisis in Mexico, which occurred around the time NAFTA took effect, may have also played a role in costing jobs.

58.   The risk of flooding will be heightened in areas where the piling up of coastal waters occurs around the time of the second highest astronomical tide of the winter.

59.   The same phenomenon can occur around the mouth and jaw after a trip to the dentist when the Novocain wears off.

60.   The unusual spate of deaths occurred around February, when the Navy was conducting firing exercises and fielding a large number of ships.

v. + around >>共 793
build 3.35%
gather 3.02%
sit 2.73%
look 2.10%
hang 1.99%
swirl 1.97%
center 1.97%
rally 1.83%
scattered 1.70%
stand 1.48%
occur 0.52%
occur + p. >>共 77
in 41.15%
at 9.13%
on 7.73%
during 5.63%
near 4.25%
after 3.25%
with 2.50%
over 2.06%
before 2.05%
as 1.99%
around 0.93%
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