51.   The nose dive also arrives as the four biggest airlines hammer out union contracts, and it could influence what they offer at the bargaining table.

52.   The potential for U.S.-Sino relations to take another nose dive is always lurking just around the corner, he and other experts say.

53.   The problem of sudden nose dives continues to affect the Buckeye.

54.   The shuttle flight capped his claim to fame in the House, but so far his defining moment in the Senate was a spectacular nose dive.

55.   The stock slipped a bit in the following weeks, but then took a nose dive early last week.

56.   The stock went into a nose dive, and has never recovered.

57.   The resulting furor drove many manufacturers out of business, and the sport took a nose dive.

58.   The young airline took a financial nose dive last year, prompting flight cancellations and crew layoffs.

59.   Then his campaign took a temporary nose dive when his handler, Doug Holloway, snapped a hamstring while showing him.

60.   Then, the numbers started to nose dive.

n. + dive >>共 77
nose 36.49%
scuba 14.41%
night 3.15%
one-day 1.80%
plane 1.80%
certification 1.35%
one-yard 1.35%
neighborhood 1.35%
cannonball 1.35%
practice 1.35%
nose + n. >>共 98
tackle 19.56%
dive 13.78%
guard 13.61%
ring 12.59%
surgery 4.42%
bleed 3.40%
hair 2.72%
operation 2.38%
drop 2.04%
gear 1.70%
每页显示:    共 80