51.   A diplomat said on condition of anonymity that the visit would be short, but provided no other details.

52.   A judicial source in Bordeaux, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Papon had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized, but had no other details.

53.   A Kremlin spokesman said only that the operation had begun at the Moscow Cardiological Center in western Moscow, but gave no other details.

54.   A judicial source in Bordeauxt, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Papon had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized, but had no other details.

55.   A police commander, speaking on condition of anonimity, said Adame had received death threats but no other details were given.

56.   A ministry spokeswoman who gave only her surname, Yu, said the officers will depart within days but disclosed no other details.

57.   A police source, insisting on anonymity, confirmed the shooting, but had no other details.

58.   A PAL spokesman said no other details were available.

59.   Abdullah said police have arrested three out of four suspects, but gave no other details, it said.

60.   A spokesman for the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, or Party of God, confirmed that the afternoon attack hit a transmitter but gave no other details.

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