51.   The current round of meetings was to end Wednesday, although some analysts predict the overall peace negotiations may drag on for years.

52.   The four-party negotiations could drag on for years.

53.   The government expected quick approval, but negotiations have dragged on for more than six months.

54.   The new secretary-general said negotiations had dragged on for years without success while Serb attacks continued.

55.   The trick will be to include all leading parties and ethnic groups in the diverse country, while not allowing the negotiations to drag on endlessly.

56.   They complain that while the negotiations drag on, Israel expands its settlements.

57.   Traditionally, coalition negotiations drag on until near the deadline, but Sharon, eager to take over, says he does not intend to use the whole period.

58.   As negotiations dragged on, Cisneros arrived late for a press briefing and rushed off immediately afterwards to resume talks.

59.   But negotiations have dragged on since without result.

60.   But the negotiations are dragging along at the moment.

n. + drag >>共 556
case 5.05%
talk 4.13%
negotiation 3.47%
war 3.47%
police 3.26%
strike 2.17%
process 2.06%
man 1.57%
government 1.57%
crisis 1.47%
negotiation + v. >>共 323
be 26.25%
continue 9.08%
begin 6.92%
resume 6.38%
take 4.14%
fail 3.66%
go 3.12%
break_down 2.47%
stall 1.54%
start 1.49%
drag 1.15%
每页显示:    共 64