51.   Neverthless, mutual distrust remained and ethnic minorities have been at war with the central government since before the country attained independence.

52.   Overcoming decades of mutual distrust and suspicion, Indian officials Tuesday visited a U.S. battle group in the Arabian Sea, signifying closer defense ties between the two countries.

53.   Rehn canceled a scheduled walk about in Pristina, where tension and mutual distrust remain palpably high.

54.   Since China has expressed concern about the joint Japan-U.S. security declaration, such a stance toward Beijing could elicit a vicious cycle of mutual distrust.

55.   Several cease-fires have crumbled amid mutual distrust.

56.   The Cold War years were marked by mutual distrust between India and the United States.

57.   The complexity of the problems and the mutual distrust weigh heavily.

58.   The animosity between Russia and the Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, feeds on mutual distrust.

59.   The animosity is feeding on mutual distrust.

60.   The capture of three Israeli soldiers by Lebanese guerrillas over the weekend also contributed to the atmosphere of mutual distrust.

a. + distrust >>共 119
mutual 18.44%
deep 17.66%
public 6.49%
growing 5.19%
lingering 3.12%
widespread 2.86%
strong 2.08%
deep-seated 1.56%
popular 1.30%
profound 1.30%
mutual + n. >>共 534
respect 7.95%
friend 5.06%
recognition 5.02%
interest 4.44%
trust 3.33%
understanding 3.18%
agreement 3.11%
admiration 2.56%
benefit 2.19%
distrust 2.19%
每页显示:    共 71