51.   More corporations are borrowing money by selling notes and bonds while more consumers are turning to mortgage brokers and car makers for loans to buy houses and vehicles.

52.   Mortgage brokers are a relatively new element of home buying, playing a major role only in the last decade.

53.   Mortgage brokers are generally seen as untrustworthy and too expensive.

54.   Mortgage broker Jeff Flick arranges financing for luxury residences in south Florida.

55.   Mortgage brokers are independent contractors who can arrange home loans through a wide variety of lenders.

56.   Mortgage brokers are sometimes criticized for not submitting paperwork in a timely fashion.

57.   Mortgage brokers are supposed to scour the national mortgage market for the lowest rates for their customers.

58.   Mortgage brokers do not originate loans.

59.   Mortgage brokers serve as intermediaries who bring together homebuyers and lenders.

60.   Mortgage brokers get better rates, he said, because they prepare the paperwork and deal in volume with lenders.

n. + broker >>共 178
mortgage 13.24%
ticket 7.55%
peace 6.44%
floor 4.95%
retail 3.71%
real-estate 3.34%
commodity 2.97%
bond 2.85%
investment 2.48%
future 2.10%
mortgage + n. >>共 252
payment 9.38%
security 8.20%
bond 6.83%
lender 6.67%
loan 6.28%
company 6.12%
broker 4.20%
interest 2.75%
business 2.47%
deduction 2.43%
每页显示:    共 106