51.   Just before he departed Amman in a Jordanian military helicopter, Yassin called on the world to help Palestinians realize their dream of statehood.

52.   Last September an international hydrogen-balloon race that started in Switzerland ended when two American balloonists were shot down and killed by a Belarus military helicopter.

53.   Local residents have said the raiding party arrived aboard Pakistani military helicopters and used four-wheel-drive vehicles belonging to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.

54.   Lee, who was dismissed by President Kim Young Sam last week, is accused of having taken a bribe from Sok in connection with a military helicopter contract.

55.   McVeigh was transported by military helicopter from Perry, Okla., under heavy guard to Tinker Air Force Base, where he appeared before federal Magistrate Ronald L. Howland.

56.   Military helicopters have funneled food and other supplies to remote villages.

57.   Military helicopters have hovered threateningly over the capital as the crisis unfolds.

58.   Military helicopters buzzed overhead.

59.   Most Americans and other foreign nationals had been evacuated on US military helicopters by Saturday.

60.   Military helicopters from the United States, France and Switzerland have ferried the aid to refugee camps near the Kosovo border and elsewhere in Albania.

a. + helicopter >>共 533
israeli 20.66%
military 19.15%
russian 7.30%
combat 2.87%
american 1.92%
navy 1.82%
british 1.19%
second 1.17%
the 1.05%
french 1.05%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
helicopter 0.94%
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