51.   He said only if the plight of refugees becomes so bleak no other measure will provide adequate relief, should they be flown to the EU.

52.   In addition, poor safety measures provide unauthorized people comparatively easy access to radioactive substances, he said.

53.   That measure provided just one example of the billions in added spending that Clinton and lawmakers of both parties were winning in talks on the bills.

54.   Such measures would provide better legal security to EU companies investing in Russia, Van der Laan said.

55.   The GOP measure also would provide vouchers for poor families to finance private or parochial school if they want to take their children out of a failing public school.

56.   The measure also would provide money to protect food and water supplies, improve mail technology and tighten law enforcement at U.S. borders.

57.   The measures should provide some short-term relief to banks that have been hit hard by non-performing loans in Indonesia and elsewhere.

58.   The measure also provides for a commission to oversee the elections.

59.   The measure also provides for a recall, if voters change their minds.

60.   The measure provides coastal states with incentives and money to develop and implement a specific monitoring and notification program for its recreational waters.

n. + provide >>共 1658
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system 1.03%
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measure 0.40%
measure + v. >>共 748
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go 2.58%
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