51.   He also likes financial stocks, which will benefit from declining market rates, and consumer staples, which also do well in a slower-growth environment.

52.   He also proposed that residents in high-risk areas be charged the fair market rate for insurance instead of the lower, subsidized federal flood insurance rate.

53.   GPU had contracts to buy electricity from three plant developers at costs above current market rates, Plummer said.

54.   He argues that much of the rise in market rates this year reflects increasing demand for credit as the economy grows, not just concerns about inflation.

55.   Hopes the Bank of France will trim its intervention rate before Germany cuts rates were bolstered by a decline in a key money market rate.

56.   How do we go about getting data on salaries elsewhere, so we can bring our pay up to market rate?

57.   If so, the Fed would cut its target rate more than now anticipated, and market rates could fall sharply.

58.   If we were serious about ending the welfare state, ranchers and miners would have to pay market rates to use federal lands.

59.   In addition, tumbling U.S. market rates could spur growth in coming months.

60.   In another concession, the diplomats this week proposed that the new bank lend money only at market rates, rather than provide subsidized loans.

n. + rate >>共 614
growth 6.29%
unemployment 6.02%
inflation 5.98%
tax 5.40%
crime 5.32%
mortality 2.05%
fund 1.89%
market 1.74%
success 1.51%
saving 1.39%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
rate 1.37%
每页显示:    共 272