51.   You could also make yourself available in digital reruns for latecomers.

52.   Other beds will be made available in dormitories, guest houses and apartment buildings that are still being built.

53.   Previous disclosure statements were only made available in the case if an official was the subject of a legal probe.

54.   A copy of the speech was made available in Washington.

55.   A copy of his remarks was made available in Frankfurt.

56.   A copy of his speech was made available in Washington.

57.   A copy of his remarks was made available in Vienna.

58.   A text of his speech was made available in Brussels.

59.   A statement from the Fedayeen Islam also claiming responsibility was made available in Tehran on Monday.

60.   Advance excerpts were made available in news releases from the magazine.

v. + available + in >>共 10
be 90.07%
make 4.76%
become 4.16%
remain 0.40%
have 0.35%
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make + available + p. >>共 34
to 54.39%
for 19.08%
in 5.75%
by 5.45%
on 4.12%
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through 2.00%
over 1.27%
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