51.   Several buildings and other cars were damaged and at least one store was looted in the fray, local news reports said.

52.   Some stores were looted in downtown Mexico city, and many others closed to avoid a similar fate.

53.   Sixty years ago Monday, Nazi thugs torched synagogues, looted Jewish stores and attacked Jews in a night of terror that presaged the Holocaust.

54.   Small groups of vandals roamed several neighborhoods, breaking windows, looting stores and assaulting at least one white motorist who was dragged from her car, police said.

55.   Some stores were looted, police said.

56.   Stores were looted and thick smoke clouded the predominantly black neighborhood just south of downtown.

57.   Television news footage showed young, masked men brandishing sticks and stones smashing shop windows and looting stores.

58.   The cutoff sparked violent demonstrations in which protesters looted two stores and stoned several houses and vehicles.

59.   The melee continued into the early hours Thursday with some protesters looting stores and clashing with police.

60.   The warehouse was under guard because other food stores had been looted, spokeswoman Maria Flynn said.

v. + store >>共 528
open 10.32%
close 8.08%
have 5.84%
hit 3.44%
leave 2.87%
loot 2.71%
operate 2.40%
visit 2.05%
enter 2.02%
build 1.74%
loot + n. >>共 190
shop 11.70%
store 9.23%
home 7.73%
house 5.79%
town 3.11%
village 2.90%
armory 2.47%
property 2.15%
warehouse 2.15%
office 1.93%
每页显示:    共 85