51.   Israel is also the largest recipient of U.S. military aid.

52.   Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto is heading on Saturday to Indonesia, which regards Japan as its crucial partner and is the largest recipient of Japanese aid.

53.   Last year, the Dominican Republic was the third largest recipient of family remittances in Latin America, after Mexico and Brazil.

54.   Overall, Ukraine is the third largest recipient of U.S. assistance.

55.   Portugal, a neutral country during World War II, was the largest recipient after Switzerland of gold sold by Germany during the war.

56.   Such arms sales could jeopardize the huge U.S. aid program for this former Soviet republic, the third largest recipient of American assistance after Israel and Egypt.

57.   Such a deal could jeopardize the huge U.S. aid program for Ukraine, the third largest recipient of American aid after Israel and Egypt.

58.   Tanzania, called Tanganyika when it was a German territory, is the largest recipient of German aid in Africa.

59.   The U.S. government, meanwhile, has poured aid money into Ukraine, making it the third largest recipient of U.S. aid after Israel and Egypt.

60.   These are the two largest recipients.

a. + recipient >>共 263
largest 7.19%
first 6.26%
intended 5.98%
previous 5.42%
past 5.14%
the 2.80%
major 2.80%
third 2.61%
former 2.52%
top 2.52%
largest + n. >>共 1006
group 2.89%
number 2.75%
party 2.58%
city 2.48%
company 1.61%
shareholder 1.52%
investor 1.34%
market 1.32%
opposition 1.23%
producer 1.22%
recipient 0.57%
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